
Week 20: Abstract Watercolors and Guided Vision Meditation

THIS WEEK IS INCREDIBLE! We do all of our usual Found in Art things and then while were painting I give you a list of beautiful, thought provoking questions that will ahve you questioning your dreams, vision, and the space you take up. I don’t record the LIVE post discussion after our painting - but it was electric and we were totally ready to kick down the walls and chains that try holding us in the small mindedness that we were raised in.

What risks have I taken this year?

What's gone right / what’s gone wrong? What have I learned?

Where do I not feel fully safe?

Where do I feel so safe that it’s holding me back?

What have I been trying to prove?

Where am I making decisions based on what others think? (as opposed to what I actually want to do?)

Where am I striving and over-learning?

How is this keeping me small?

How much space do I have for myself, where am I not taking enough care?

Where am I in flow

Where am I not in flow

To what extent do i prioritize pleasure 1-10

What work am I doing on visioning, stretching my dreams?

Do I believe these dreams are available for me? 1-10

Where do I doubt it? Why?

How will I know I’ve made it (3 things) ?

What is most important to me?

Identify 3 different paths to know you’ve made it
( they ycan be CrAZy and you arent commiting to any of them.


Week 21: Watercolor Thankful Feathers


Week 19: Kandisnky Circles