Found In Art

Use the healing energy of art to let go and feel free

Found in Art is a journey. It is a private online community where I invite you to reconnect to your true self through guided meditation and art classes.


  • Are you so stressed out at the end of the day that you want to just numb out?

  • Do you find yourself scrolling for hours on end to get a boost of serotonin?

  • Do you have a stash of art supplies that you dont know what to do with because you cannot possibly make another decision in your day?

  • Can you feel that your energy is a little unbalanced and you dont know how to fix it?

  • You’ve tried journaling, reiki, massages, yoga, sound baths, etc., etc., etc, but none of them can make your brain slow down.

    This journey is for you.

This is the same journey that I have spent the last 5 years walking through to help heal my brokenness and find fulfillment through self-discovery rather than relying on all the distractions society currently offers us.


It starts with a grounding meditation and some deep breathing and moves into a guided art lesson that allows you to free your feelings with every stroke of the brush or line of the pencil.

You don’t have to be good at art or even creative to participate - as mastery of the art isn’t the goal of this class.

This class is a way to relax and calm your brain. To give yourself a little slice of peace in your hectic schedule. Think of it as yoga for your brain.   

I would be honored if you would join me on this journey and allow me to give you an option for your evenings that does not include scrolling on your phone.

Want to come?


Found in Art Membership

This is an intentional space for you to give yourself permission to let go of your daily junk and feel the freedom to become more of yourself through the healing energy of art. I will lead you through a bi-weekly grounding exercise as well as a gentle art lesson. While you will learn art skills and new techniques - the goal of this class is not to master these skills, the goal is to allow yourself to truly relax and open yourself up to finding who you are.

✓ Unlimited Access to all previously recorded classes (40+hrs)
✓ 2 art meditations LIVE every month (1 ish hr each)
✓ 1 Online "Paint and Sip" Bi-Monthly
✓ Discount code for Shop Items and Events.
✓ Monthly members-only email with project details and extras.

Why am I doing this?

Spring of 2019, I realized I was drowning.

I was struggling with postpartum depression, my temper was like a ticking time bomb close to the end of its fuse. My husband was healing from a major farm accident that broke both his feet. Our marriage was at its lowest point. I couldn’t see the light anymore.

I remember calling one of my friends and telling her how enraged I was at the unfairness of my life. She told me to “Grab a stack of dishes you don’t care about and go throw them against your barn until you don’t feel so angry anymore.” So I did.

And I kept throwing them that night until I was sitting on the ground sobbing. I had not just released the anger I was feeling about my current season in life - I had opened up a portal in my soul to all the hurt and sadness that I had never before been allowed to express. All of the feelings I had been shoving deep down inside since the moment I learned - as a child - that it’s not okay to cry. It’s not okay to show anger. It’s not okay to be “too happy”. The big emotions of my childhood made the adults around me uncomfortable, so to stay “acceptable” in their eyes - I stopped expressing them.

I spent an entire year sitting with my own thoughts. Not knowing what to do to fix me because it all felt so big and heavy that I didn’t even know where to start. I knew I needed counseling but like - when it all seems bad - how do you tell someone what’s actually wrong?

I tried journaling: I had nothing to say. I tried organizing my life so much that it felt like I was controlling the chaos, but it didn’t actually fix anything. I went for regular massages but my brain would literally spiral the entire time I was supposed to be relaxing.

My husband would ask me what was wrong. I remember telling him, “ Everything. Nothing. I dont even know. When I can put it into words, I’ll tell you.”

So I kept myself really busy trying to just numb out the pain I was feeling.

Enter 2020.

The year time stood still. I was finally forced to face the trauma inside of me. I very quickly realized that I needed a safe outlet to let the emotions I was feeling escape my body. So I picked up the thing I had always turned to when I was a child - and that had been calling to me for at least a year - ART.

I started painting regularly. Sometimes, I would put the kids to bed and sit at my desk painting all night long. I would paint in silence, any background noise being too much for my brain to process.

Eventually, I realized WHY I needed silence. I was processing my trauma. Every stroke of the paintbrush allowed me to free some of the ages-old emotions that had been trapped in my soul. I had - unknowingly - created a safe space for me to release my feelings. Feelings that had been bogging down my brain since I was a child. I spent an entire year healing through art.


I have -always- known that I was meant to share my journey in life. It is what my creator made me to do.

At the turn of the New Year - my life purpose came to me in a vision full of color. I saw this. This thing you’re reading right now. A sacred space for humans to find themselves again. A vessel for authenticity and healing. A community to allow you the safety and camaraderie you need to feel to know that you are not alone. Your journey does not have to be one that is shrouded in loneliness and isolation.

You are safe. You are free. You are FOUND. Welcome Home.

2021 & 2022

I could finally put my pain and my core issues into words. I signed up for counseling ( 10/10 recommend) and began to get super serious about healing my trauma. And I kept painting.

I slowly and intentionally began to rebuild my identity. I was no longer relying on the words I had allowed other people to define me as for my whole life. I felt like I had not only mended the parts of me that felt broken - but I had also healed. I was now stronger than I ever had been before