
May 14: Line Work

Emily led a series of activities focused on relaxation, stress release, and mindfulness, including guided meditations and art exercises. She emphasized the importance of letting go of things that no longer serve us and encouraged participants to take actionable steps towards improving their lives. The session also included a creative exercise where Emily wrote prompts for meditation and art on a whiteboard, inviting others to participate and suggesting additional questions to make the ideas more tangible.

*Summary Provided by ZOOM AI. *

What is one thing that I need to let go of today?

How can my life improve when I release this thing?

What good thing will take the place of the "let go" thing?

How can I make this my reality?

What is one actionable step I can take to make this happen withint he next 24 hours?


May 28: Thee Eye


Found In Art : dandelions